Have any questions?
+44 1234 567 890
Save the dates 2025
Sekt im Schnee in Maria Alm // 9. and 10. March
ProWein Düsseldorf // 16. to 18. March
Wein & Genuss at the Dominikanerkirche in Krems // 9. and 10. April
Tour de Vin // 3. and 4. Mai
Guest winery at the Tour de Vin: Braida di Giacomo Bologna from Piemont
Wine and Dance at Volksgarten in Wien // 7. June
ÖTW Single Vineyard Summit at Schloss Grafenegg // 8. to 12. September
Visit the winery!
Tastings on appointment: +43 2278 2515
Reservations for the evenings at the restaurant Himmelreich via E-mail to office@restaurant-himmelreich.at